
Resolving Trigger Point Pain with Laser Therapy

Price: $29.95
Original Webinar Date:

Trigger points can develop as a result of muscular injuries, strains, and trauma. When muscle fibers, fascia, ligaments, or tendons become weakened, overstretched, or inflamed, tiny tears in the associated soft tissue can occur. As the tissue heals it contracts, becoming twisted and knotted. These knotted fibers restrict the fresh blood supply needed by the muscle cells. In addition, there is often a shortening of the muscle fiber to protect itself from further injury.

When these become chronic, trigger points can trigger other trigger points to develop. Then we have a vicious cycle of pain and restriction. Trigger points will often cause pain far beyond the location of the actual trigger point with can further serve to fog the diagnostic process.

Conventional treatment of trigger points with compression, dry needling, and injections are both painful and offer limited relief. PBM has been found to be a superior way to resolve trigger points with lasting effect and no to minimal discomfort in most cases.

Join Drs. Christopher Carraway and Timothy Demchak as they delve into the world of trigger points and referred pain and show you techniques with laser therapy to reach resolution

Laser Therapy University

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