
Blending Super Pulsed Laser Therapy in Clinical Practice

Price: $29.95
Original Webinar Date:
Tricks and Tips Every Clinician Should Know:
Join Chris Carraway DC, as he shares further clinical insights on super pulsed laser therapy for best clinical practices.  Discussions of indications/contraindication, how laser interacts with other modalities and how best to integrate with existing programs will be discussed.  In addition, he will present several new METHODS from the Priority Principle.
•    To Do? or NOT to Do?…Contraindications and considerations for the clinician
•    Adding to the mix - New METHODS: Triple Threat, Oshiro’s Chronic Pain, Cervical Spine Positioning, Stellate Ganglion Laser Block, and Chronic Venous Insufficiency
•    Can we all get along?…How Photobiomodulation responds with other physical agents include ice, taping, ultrasound, etc…
•    Be practical…open discussion on implementing laser therapy into best clinical practices
Laser Therapy University

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